Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you!
1. I hate it when you have something to say and forget it because some idiot said hi to you...
2. Oh you're dating my ex? Cool. Im eating a sandwhich.... You want those leftovers too?
3. Putting on a fake smile, so you dont have to explain why your not happy...
4. Yes. yes. yes. yes I know. yep. I will. okay. yes. alright. okay, BYE MUM!
5. Don't compare me to her... EVER!!
6. "I'm so sleepy"... Falling asleep.. Almost asleep.. "VIBRATE" Are you serious... oh its u .."hey :)"
8. Being bored in the car and waving to random people, and people actually wave back haha...
10. *falls asleep in car*...10sec later: we're home!... WTF MAN!!! Hahahahah!
11. I love you.." "Aww I love me too! :)" hahaha
13. Just do it! You're never going to see these people again...
Our eyes are at the front, because it's better to see where you're going rather than where you've been.
Påminn mig igen....Nej just det! Det finns inget att påminna mig om!
''MOM! I can't find it'', ''If I come up there & I'll see it.. You're dead'' '
''...........found it..... Hahahaha! dör
Alla måste se tv programmet Solsidan på kanal 4 varje söndag 20.00!! DÖ av garv!
If u r wasting your time reading this then you're awesome
1. "No offense" means "I'm about to insult you,but don't get mad."
2. For those who have experienced the pain caused by stepping on a LEGO. (HAHA!!)
3. I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE ! ... ha ha just kidding, I miss you :)
4. Brunette: "Look it's a dead bird!" ... *Blonde looks up into the sky* ... "Where?" aaa hahah
5. Those WTF-moments!
6. The awkward moment when people are singing happy birthday to you and your just sitting there smiling like an idiot. (hahahahah)
7. C.L.A.S.S= Come Late And Start Socializing
8. Drunk people trying to convince you they're sober
9. `Did I Ask You?` `No` `Then Shut Up.`
10. Theres always a song that u really like but u dont know what it's called!!
11. "ohmygod....OHMYGOD....OHHHMYYGODDD!!!!!!!"..."what" "Can't tell you"!! (hahaha)
Min humor :P
1. WHORE! ...Ha, oh Im sorry, I forgot. You dont get paid. SLUT!
2. 'I'm a ninja.' *prove it.* did you see that?' *see what?* 'exactly.' ;)
3. "There's plenty other fish in the sea." "I'm human, why would I want to date a fish?
4. *Snows* ''School is open.'' *Earthquake* ''School is open.'' *End of the world.* ''School is open.'' Like this if your school is one of those schools that NEVER EVER shut!
5. I didn't fall . . . . the floor just needed a hug!
6. I'm not wrong. You are just too STUPID to grasp what I'm trying to explain.
7. When boys get jealous it's kinda cute. But when girls get jealous..
it's world war III :|
8. DONT TOUCH MY HAIR...... *touchhhhhhhhhhhhhh* (BITCH-SLAP!) WTF DID I SAY?!
9. Hey!" *pause* "...I just forgot what I was gonna say. But i know it was important!"
10. I hate how sarcasm doesn't transfer well over text...
11. Taio Cruz wrote dynamite, Katty Perry wrote firework, and Brono Mars wrote grenade. Okay Ke$ha it's your turn, start writting neuclear bomb.
12. Don't pick me... don't pick me... *teacher calls your name* ...damn it!
13. *Pssst* that a guy or a girl????
14. DUDE, calm down... Its gym class, not the NBA!! (hahahaha jag dör!)
15. "Hey" ... 2 hours later ... "Hey" ... No it's too late i dont wanna talk to you now...
16. Paper cuts: so small, but so evil
17. When your watching two shows, one while the other is on commercial and forgetting about the other channel until its over...(så typiskt haha)
18. *Sneeze* `Bless you.` *Sneeze* `Bless you.` *Sneeze* `DUDE?!!
19. Saying to your friend "there's your best friend" when you see someone they hate :D (Den här är såå klockren!! hahaha)
20. As Soon As I Touch A Computer.........................Facebook!
22. Songs in your head that you don't like, never liked, and never want to hear again!!
23. ''FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!'' ''Teachers comming! leg it!!''
24. But mom what if i get kidnapped?" "Trust me, they'd bring you back".
25. Pretending that my eyes are itchy when I REALLY cant hold the TEARS anymore
26. You're five, and you have a phone. Who are you going to talk to, Bob the Builder? HAHA!
27. "u're cute when u're mad"..."well then i'm bout to get real adorable"
28. I used to like you. Then you dissed Harry Potter.
29. "OMG our house is on fire!!" "OMG!! Hold on I need to update my facebook status!!!"
30. Dear teacher. I asked u to explain this question, not read it and ask me how to do it.
31. Pretending you know what people are talking about to avoid looking stupid :)
32. Laughing so hard that you cant tell anyone what your laughing about..
33. Saying something and then . . ."haha, no, that wasn't funny." . . .:)
34. The awkward moment in McDonald's when an emo orders a happy meal. (HAHAHA!)
35. I was gonna post a status, Then I remembered I have family on faceboook..(HAHA!!!)
36. *Drop Soemthing* *pick it up* *drop it again* "WTF!"
37. I still laugh when everyone else is over it "haha"
38. Awkwardly sitting there while your friend is being yelled at by their parents. (HAHA JAG DÖR!)
40. *Send* "OH WAIT, CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL!!" *Message Sent* ":O Oh. Crap..
41. "You had ONE WEEK!" 'Yes Miss, but i have a life and like 6 other classes'
42. "I will NOT forget.... I will NOT forget...." "So... did you bring it?" "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt......."
43. Making up a story to tell your parents on your way home!
erkänn att du skrattade och skrattar fortfarande :P?
Big Girls Don't Cry
Catch me if I fall
1 vecka kvar till LONDON!!!!

You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies
But then my heart whispers, "You do, stupid..."
btw, The social network asbra (när fan började jag använda de ordet) iaf... film!! Grym alltså!
Trots dom hade en tal-hastighet på 260km/h haha gjorde kaoz i min hjärna ha ha
I would catch a grenade for ya!
But you won't do the same...
We always think that we can be happy if we get that car or that job or that person in your life will fix everything.
But happiness is a mood and it's a condition, not a destination. It's like being tired or hungry. It's not permanent, it comes and goes ...and that's okay.
If people thought about it that way. They'll find happiness alot more often...